Monday, December 15, 2008

Affordable 2009 Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing Plan Fundamentals for 2009

These are strange economic times - it is very clear to all. Some claim more pain through 2009. Some say the worst is behind us. I say no one has a clue - from the very "top" and at all points in between. They are all guessing based on either pessimistic viewpoints or optimistic outlooks. And their data can prove both cases.

So how can a business owner build a marketing plan for 2009? If your plan is to stay in business and maybe even try to have to be smart, innovate and attack with some optimism. History proves that the current plight we are in will be "history" at some point in the future - right? So the economy is going to improve and those that keep fighting and innovating will be there to enjoy it's rewards.

To gain in 2009 your marketing plan may need to go through some pain. That might mean trying something new or going in a completely different direction. The world is evolving quickly and your business needs to evolve with it. Below are a few affordable fundamental marketing elements you should analyze very closely for 2009. Get these fundamentals right and you can gain significant shares of business with very little added marketing expense.

Affordable 2009 Marketing Plan Fundamentals:

1. Website Ranking - how does your company rank when a consumer "Googles" your business category? For example "Brake Repair Denver". You want to be on page #1. Are you? No? Find out why. Make it a priority.
2. E-mail marketing - do you regularly market to your existing customers via e-mail? You should - they are your biggest fans. Get their e-mail adress. Do this every month. It's cheap and it works.
3. Integrate your media - does your online marketing work together with your radio or TV ads? Consumers will find you online after hearing/seeing you offline. Drive more online prospects with radio for greater returns.

These are a few of the relatively most affordable but potentially extremely valuable considerations you should be analyzing for 2009. Get these 3 right and you can bank on far more business opportunities than your competition.

Happy Holidays to you and yours and here's wishing that 2009 will be your best year yet!


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