Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Go for It or Wait for It?

Tucking Your Wings or Using Your Wings?

These are uncertain times...that's certain! Most people got killed last year in their 401k. They have seen their home value depreciate, and on and on. No need to go through all the bad news we all know about.

However, there are stories you hear about how so and so bought a house during the bad times and made out huge. Or bought a stock when everyone was selling and made out huge. The classic story of the contrarian that had faith when others fled.

The success my clients are seeing this year leads to me to believe that this is a time to go for it with your marketing. Be contrarian. Why are my clients having better success than last year? There is less competition right now. The competition has tucked in their wings to wait out the storm! The market may be a little smaller than last year in certain areas but there is still a market - and my clients are getting more of it.

The argument can be made on either side with wise quotes..."Patience is a virtue", "Live to fight another day", or "Keep your powder dry". And there is obvious wisdom in all these, however right now, what I've seen first hand... "Carpe Diem"! Seize the day while everyone else waits and watches you!

"Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got."

~Art Buchwald

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