Sunday, March 22, 2009

Walk On Video Spokesperson

How to Make Your Website Stand Out with a Video Spokesperson

There's a new affordable option for local businesses to make their website more interesting, engaging and effective. It's called a "Video Spokesperson". The spokesperson (a real human - not animae) greets visitors with a welcome message from the company and perhaps a suggestion of an action to take or a summary of the company. I compare this new video spokesperson option to how you manage your physical business when someone walks in to look around. Most likely you have someone available to greet them...that's what a video spokesperson does for your "virtual store" AKA- your website! Shot in front of a "green screen", the spokesperson appears to walk on the home page of your website to deliver your short message. You can visit our website to see me walk on to greet you with our welcome message.

Video Walk-on technology has many interesting applications as well. You could use it for big sales, for customer testimonials, you can have different messages for different sections of your site, you can add animation or pop-up messages for example. The point is to engage the visitor and encourage interaction. It's easy to visit a website...and just as easy to go find another the key is to develop strategies to covert more visitors into callers.

Another example site to visit is Roofing Contractor Marketing. Here I engage the visitor with a quick over-view of what RCM does and why you should call. Both of our examples are used to show the business owner how we differentiate ourselves to help local businesses get a jump on the competition.

If you are interested in how web video can help your business stand out from the crowd, give us a call. 303-968-2891. It's more affordable than you might think.

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